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Prescription Drug Abuse-A Major Concern on College Campuses

The prescription drug abuse has hit the headlines as of now with the death of Michael Jackson which had been due to prescription drug abuses. In today’s time these prescription drug abuse has been increased up to a large amount in youngster’s studying around the college campuses.

According to a recent report nearly 50 million U.S death certificates had the reason of overdosage for prescription drugs and mixing this drugs with alcohol and street drugs. The major 2 prescription drugs used by college goers are Adderall and Ritalin. Ritalin is a high end drug whose effect starts immediately after ingestion and remains there for around 3 hours. On taking this drug, would help one increase alertness and focus thereby blocking hunger.

Ritalin, Adderall and various other prescription drugs are being used by youngsters at vey high alarming rates. The reason for increased consumption of drugs among youngsters is that they are unable to bear the college pressure’s which includes not getting good grades. Due to this they consume this drug making them addicted to these drugs. A recent survey suggests that students no longer take drugs for fun but take it to ease depression and to solve academic problems.

Colleges across nation are providing guidance to students to be very alert and try to avoid the prescription drug abuse as far as possible. There are no restriction on who uses prescription drug abuse. There might be a girl who might be taking Adderall to give her boost before finals. There might be a possibility that your roommate might be taking Xanax with a drink while watching the movie.

But the college going youth forgets that taking drugs would lead to their life dangers as this prescription drugs have various side effects which include increase in heart rate, blood pressure, body temperature increase, insomnia, unstable heart rate, dizziness, irritability and headache. Along with that there are various other complications which include changes in appetite and sleep habits, weight loss etc. People say that they have bought this drug either from someone else or from someone else’s prescription drugs.

Basically the term ‘drug addiction’ refers to the mind the images of people buying illicit drugs on the street corners violating the law, called as criminals. But the drugs Adderall and other prescription drugs are being prescribed by doctors in United States but there is a lot of misusage of this drug among college goer’s as they never think that they are breaking up the law and other one a next door neighbor who have been prescribed the drug on prescription of doctor both addicted to drugs, with a different perspective.
